Hi there,

I'm Shanelle. 👋 😁

Software Developer from Batangas, Philippines.

I personally prefer to keep learning, continue challenging myself and do interesting things that matter.


Web Developer
  • Daily Scrum Meeting
  • Understand requirements and deliver complete functionality
  • Collaborate with client to determine requirements for the software
  • Develop and test software to meet clients' needs
  • Developing documentation for the client and future software developer
  • Troubleshooting, debugging, maintaining, and improving existing software
  • Refining and rewriting as necessary and communicating with the developer involved in the project
Software Developer Supervisor
IntegrityNet Solutions and Services
  • Daily Meetings
    • Engineering team
    • Development team
    • Upper management
  • Performing technical support to other employees
  • Managing all the activities of the software development
  • Supervise and delegate duties to the development team
  • Collaborating with front-end users on software functionality
  • Performing maintenance and testing to keep software functioning
  • ......
Software Developer | Freelancer

Barangay Management Information System (BAMIS)

This product is focused on gathering and organizing data in one of the most easily overlooked units of governance in the LGU, the Barangay offices.

  • Version 1: Front-end developer
  • Version 2: Front-end and Backend developer
  • Understand requirements and deliver complete functionality
  • Collaborate with client to determine requirements for the software
Business Development Coordinator
IntegrityNet Solutions and Services
  • Daily Meetings
  • CTO's assistant
  • Brochure designing
  • Build a printer server
    • Install an OS image on SD Card (Banana Pi Mi)
  • Performing technical support to other employees
  • Printer PCB prototyping and checking of pin connections
  • Troubleshooting, debugging, maintaining, and improving existing software
  • Domain management
    • Creating a new domain (.ph / .com)
    • Generate and renew certificate (Certbot)
  • Email Server Administrator
    • Monitoring
    • Troubleshooting
    • Account management




  • Figma
  • Pen & Paper
Minimum knowledge on

Adobe Photoshop

Front-End Developer

Design and develop UI

HTML, CSS, Javascript, Markdown

JavaScript Framework


UI Framework


Version Control System

Github, Gitlab

Back-End Developer

Web App Functions

GO, TypeScript, Serverless




MySQL, SQLite, AWS DynamoDB

Minimum knowledge on

PHP, Python


RSyslog, RRDTool


Plan Build Deploy Operate

Amazon Web Services, AWS CDK, AWS SDK

AWS Services

Lambda Function, API Gateway, S3, SQS
DynamoDB, EventBridge, CodePipeline
CloudFormation, CloudWatch, X-Ray

Minimum knowledge on

Docker, Terraform, OpenTelemetry
